EGRAPHS Community

The EGRAPHS Workshop recently took place at PLDI 2024! Check out the link for videos of the presentations.

EGRAPHS 2022 was held at PLDI 2022 and included the following presentations:

Sketch-Guided Equality Saturation

Thomas Koehler University of Glasgow


Synthesizing Mathematical Identities with E-Graphs

Ian Briggs University of Utah, Pavel Panchekha University of Utah


Logging an Egg: Datalog on E-Graphs

Philip Zucker Draper Laboratory


Chasing an egg

Yihong Zhang University of Washington


ECTAs: E-Graphs Better (at Encoding)

James Koppel Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Zheng Guo University of California, San Diego, Edsko de Vries Well-Typed LLP, Armando Solar-Lezama Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Nadia Polikarpova University of California, San Diego

E-Graphs, VSAs, and Tree Automata: a Rosetta Stone

Yisu Remy Wang University of Washington, James Koppel Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Altan Haan OctoML, Josh Pollock MIT CSAIL


Equality Saturation as a Tactic for Proof Assistants

Andrés Goens University of Edinburgh, Siddharth Bhat University of Edinburgh

Towards Optimising Certified Programs by Proof Rewriting

Kiran Gopinathan National University of Singapore, Ilya Sergey National University of Singapore

Quiche: A Python Implementation of E-Graphs

Rebecca Swords

Optimizing Large Integer Multiplier on FPGAs Using Equality Saturation

Ecenur Ustun Cornell University, Jiaqi Yin University of Utah, Zhiru Zhang Cornell University

Wasm-mutate: Fuzzing WebAssembly Compilers with E-Graphs

Javier Cabrera Arteaga KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Nicholas Fitzgerald Fastly Inc., Martin Monperrus KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Benoit Baudry KTH


QuEgg: Automatic Optimization of Quantum Circuits Using Equality Graphs

Spencer King

On the Optimization of Equivalent Concurrent Computations

Henrich Lauko Trail of Bits, Lukáš Korenčik Trail of Bits, Peter Goodman Trail of Bits

Abstract Interpretation on E-Graphs

Samuel Coward Imperial College London, George A. Constantinides Imperial College London, Theo Drane Intel Corporation


Colored E-Graph: Supporting Multiple Equivalence Relations with Resource Sharing

Eytan Singher Technion, Shachar Itzhaky Technion

Toward a Unified Framework for Program Optimization, Bug-Finding, and Repair

Jordan Schmerge Colorado School of Mines, Jake Vossen Colorado School of Mines, Jedidiah McClurg Colorado School of Mines