We have a monthly community meeting on the third Thursday of each month at 9:00am Pacific time. Meetings are approximately 1 hour long.
The Zoom link will be distributed on the EGRAPHS Zulip just in time for each session.
Add this to your Google Calendar by
clicking here,
or add it manually by hitting
“Other Calendars” → “+” → “From URL” and pasting this URL:
- : Hardware Decompilation: Recovering Abstraction in Digital Circuits
- : Slotted E-Graphs
- : C.C. Lemma: induction and lemma discovery in e-graphs
- : No Meeting
- : No Meeting
- : Tree-Width Extraction
- : Improving Proof Automation with E-Graphs for Goal Simplification: Experiments and Challenges
- : Synthesizing Vectorizing Compilers with EGraphs and Rule Synthesis
- : Synthesis of programs with local variables (and its applications to web automation)
- : No Meeting
- : EGRAPHS Workshop at PLDI 2024
- : Equality Reasoning in CVC5 (Andrew Reynolds)
- : Sparse Tensor Algebra Compilation using Equality Saturation (Amir Shaikhha)
- : Lightning Talks
- : Welcome to EGRAPHS (Max Willsey)